Welcome ! I'm Monique.
Join me in coming to life !

“Finding Mo” is a heartfelt and often witty narrative that celebrates the transformative power of self-love, resilience, and the pursuit of one’s dreams. Through Monique’s (Mo’s) journey, readers are inspired to overcome obstacles, discover their true passions, and live a life aligned with their deepest desires for themselves and a better world. 

Your soul is calling – don’t block the number!


Welcome ! I'm Monique.
Join me in coming to life !

“Finding Mo” is a heartfelt and often witty narrative that celebrates the transformative power of self-love, resilience, and the pursuit of one’s dreams. Through Monique’s (Mo’s) journey, readers are inspired to overcome obstacles, discover their true passions, and live a life aligned with their deepest desires for themselves and a better world. 

Your soul is calling – don’t block the number!


Book Synopsis

 Finding Mo, a Handbook for Coming to Life builds the case for why tuning in, listening to that voice and acting on what you hear is a matter of the utmost urgency. 

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Finding Mo





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Finding Mo: A Handbook for Coming to Life” on Amazon! Available in three formats. Click to buy now!

Finding Mo, A Handbook For Coming To Life is available on Amazon.com in 3 formats, just click to buy

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About the book

Finding Mo

Your soul is calling – don’t block the number!

We all have an inner voice that whispers to us of our purpose. It’s the voice of our soul. Because souls don’t tend to say practical things, we drown out the noise of that “voice” and go about our busy and often mediocre lives. What if the fate of humanity required you to demonstrate better listening skills? Through deeply personal anecdotes and thought-provoking perspectives, Finding Mo, a Handbook for Coming to Life builds the case for why tuning in, listening to that voice and acting on what you hear is a matter of the utmost urgency. 

“Finding Mo” is a heartfelt and often witty narrative that celebrates the transformative power of self-love, resilience, and the pursuit of one’s dreams. Through Monique’s (Mo’s) journey journey, readers are inspired to overcome obstacles, discover their true passions, and live a life aligned with their deepest desires for themselves and a better world. 

Finding Mo Delivers


  • Fresh Perspectives
  • Humor
  • Passages that Stir the Soul
  • Tools and Inspiration to live more fully

About The Author

Monique Wellise

Monique Wellise is deeply moved by the impact nutrition, mindset, and consciousness can have on health and humanity, which fuels her desire to inspire others to live their healthiest, best lives. 

Monique Wellise is deeply moved by the impact nutrition, mindset, and consciousness can have on health and humanity, which fuels her desire to inspire others to live their healthiest, best lives. She has been a passionate nutrition industry professional for nearly three decades. Her background includes training at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, the American School of Herbalism, extensive work with the integrative medical community and alliances with some of the nutraceutical industry’s most well reputed brands.

What Readers Have To Say About Finding Mo

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